“Helping rural residents use Google Transit”

Sue Crowe, the project lead for the Trillium-completed Northern California Google Transit Feasibility Study and Pilot Project, guest authored an article for the Reconnecting America blog, “Helping Rural Residents Use Google Transit”.

Transit trip planning in the rural areas of Northern California has become easier for many user groups as a result of the pilot implementation.  From Sue’s post:

“Trinity County has many recreational destinations,” a representative explained.  “Northern California visitors are now able to plan trips across this portion of California using multiple transit providers with ease.  This type of travel planning was once difficult, but is now simplified with Google Maps/Transit.”

Google Transit doesn’t just benefit the transit customer.  Social service agencies, caregivers, and those providing aid to someone can now Google transit information for their clients.  For the elderly who can no longer drive, Google transit information for bus stops and locations helps make it possible to  maintain a sense of independence.

The Northern California Google Transit Feasibility Study and Pilot Project was a finalist for the 2010 California Transportation Foundation Tranny Awards.