Front-page coverage for intercity bus services in Oregon

From the front page of the Oregonian on Sunday, January 23rd: “Oregon’s rural, intercity bus lines offer a hassle-free, affordable option for getting around”.

The piece does a great job at describing the need and purpose of intercity services.  It inventories a sample of available services in Oregon.

People are prone to be less aware of the availability of intercity services than local services because they don’t see the vehicles operating in town on a daily basis.  This article does a great job at bringing these services to light.

As part of the goal to improve awareness of the services and make it easy access to service information, ODOT is integrating information on the intercity network into Google Maps:

The next big step for ODOT, Barnes says, is to collect schedules and routes and get the data to Google so riders can simply click on the Website, put in their start and destination information, and see bus lines and schedules.

Trillium was selected as the contractor to publish and maintain GTFS data for the statewide project.  You can see the available itinerary information beginning to take shape on Google Maps.